Where are the Baby Boomers?

By on October 9, 2013

Baby Boomer is the term given to Americans born between 1946 and 1964… 76.4 million of them to be exact. Theories suggest the reason was because young people were confident the Post WWII future would be prosperous and many older Americans that had postponed having families because of the Depression and War were now starting.

Thousands of Boomers retire every day and choose to relocate across the country, making availability and delivery of health care a challenging process.  According to the latest census data the 10 states with the highest percentage of residents 65 and older are:

  1. Florida
  2. Pennsylvania
  3. West Virginia
  4. North Dakota
  5. Iowa
  6. Maine
  7. South Dakota
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Arkansas
  10. Montana

At Rehab Home Health we believe keeping seniors safe and comfortable in their own home is of paramount importance. This can be facilitated with one, or a combination, of the following – Home Health Services , Home Therapy, and Private Duty Nursing. When the time comes we can also help families make informed decisions with our Senior Placement Services .

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