The Fall Facts: 6 Tips to Help Prevent Falls

By on December 16, 2013

untitledall prevention may not seem like a lively topic but it’s important. As we get older, physical changes and health conditions make falls more likely. In fact, falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults. Still fear of falling doesn’t need to rule your life, consider six simple fall preventions strategies. Falls put you at risk of serious injury. Prevent falls with these simple fall-prevention measures, from reviewing your medications to hazard proofing your home.

  1. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss medications you are taking and if your health conditions could cause a fall.
  2. Keep moving…physical activity can go a long way toward fall prevention. With your doctor’s ok consider activities such as walking, water workouts or gentle exercise for flexibility.
  3. Wear proper shoes.
  4. Remove home hazards…boxes, newspapers, electrical cords, coffee tables and plants in high traffic areas, loose rugs and consider nonslip mats.
  5. Light up your living space.
  6. Use assistive devices…hand rails, raised toilet seat, grab bars, nonslip treads.

Rehab Home Health nurses make safety evaluations of the premises on every new admission. This process can help identify potentially dangerous situations in the home so they can be mitigated. Be sure to ask about our Specialty Programs including Fall Prevention.


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