Senior Safety: Hurricane Preparedness

By on June 5, 2014

Hurricane FloridaBetween the months of June and November hurricanes and tropical storms are very common. Hurricanes and tropical storms are formed when several different weather conditions occur simultaneously. Being that a great deal of the seniors we care for have family members in different parts of the country and are primarily home-bound, it is imperative that we make sure they remain safe, with access to supplies, care and a well-built disaster plan in case of last minute emergencies.

Below is a checklist to help seniors prepare for nature’s disasters. Additionally, every individual should have a plan for emergency evacuation. For individuals who need assistance evacuating, contact the county emergency service to register for assistance (however, it is important to use county services and especially special needs shelters as a backup plan should other plans fail, these services are not designed to meet all residents needs and may be very uncomfortable and challenging for elders with medical and care needs.)


  1.  _____ Important medical, family contact and insurance information, safe and secure
  2.  _____ Water (2-week supply at home, 3-day supply if evacuating – 1 gallon per person, per day)
  3.  _____ Food (2-week supply of nonperishable food at home, 3-day supply if evacuating)
  4.  _____ Non-electric can-opener
  5.  _____ Battery powered radio
  6.  _____ Flashlights
  7.  _____ Extra batteries
  8.  _____ Two-week supply of prescription medication & list inc. dosages and allergies
  9.  _____ Mosquito repellant
  10.  _____ First Aid Kit
  11.  _____ Water purification kit (tablets, plain chlorine and iodine)
  12.  _____ Pre-moistened towelettes
  13.  _____ Antibacterial wipes and/or hand sanitizer
  14.  _____ Walker, wheelchair, and other medical equipment (talk to medical equipment company prior to determine needs for battery or electric powered devices, register with the power company if electricity required for Oxygen or special needs)

If you evacuate, also take:

  1.  _____ Bedding
  2.  _____ Extra clothing and shoes
  3.  _____ Eyeglasses
  4.  _____ Folding chair or cot
  5.  _____ Extra hearing aid batteries
  6.  _____ Walker, wheelchair, and other medical equipment
  7.  _____ Important papers (in a waterproof container)
  8.  _____Driver’s license
  9.  _____ Special medical information
  10.  _____ Medical insurance and Medicare cards
  11.  _____ Insurance policies
  12.  _____ Family and physician contact numbers
  13.  _____ List of style and serial numbers of medical devices, i.e. pacemaker

Precious commodities before and after a storm:

  1.  _____ Cash, Ice, Charcoal, Wooden Matches, Grill

Resources: Red Cross provides information and checklists for individuals with special needs and how to be prepared for disasters. Go to their “Disaster Services” and click on “Be Prepared” to find the information specific to persons with special needs.

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