Viewing: Home Health Care

Everything you never knew about Lymphadema

By on May 11, 2015

WHAT IS LYMPHEDEMA? Lymphadema is the abnormal swelling of the arms, legs, breast, abdomen, neck, or head, due to a damaged lymphatic system or accumulation of lymph fluid (protein and water) in the tissue spaces as a result of obstruction of

It’s National Nurse’s Week 2015

By on May 4, 2015

  As nurses, our attitude is naturally to “do whatever it takes” to provide high-quality care for patients. With a laser-like focus on person-centered care, we may not even recognize when we are innovative in solving a problem or improving

National Social Worker Month 2015

By on March 2, 2015

Social Work Month 2015 – Social Work Paves the Way for Change 2015 marks a special year for the social work community. The nation will commemorate National Social Work Month in March and the National Association of Social Workers will

Role of Proper Nutrition in Wound Care

By on August 4, 2014

Without proper nutrition, the whole process of wound healing can be negatively impacted. Your diet during recovery plays a critical role in how fast your wound heals, how strong the wound tissue becomes, the duration of the recovery period and how

It’s National Occupational Therapy Month!

By on April 10, 2014

 In the world of healthcare, a lot of discipline go relatively unnoticed, usually (and unfortunately I might add) due to the general lack of knowledge surrounding the particular subject. So, in light of this, we here at Rehab Home Health

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